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10 Little-Known Facts About Human Design

Updated: May 17, 2023

Learn more about this secret sauce to powerful, authentic connect to your passions, mission, and vision.

Human Design is a fascinating system of self-discovery and personal development that has gained considerable popularity in recent years. Rooted in a combination of astrology, the I Ching, the Kabbalah, and the chakra system, Human Design offers profound insights into an individual's unique energetic blueprint. While many people are familiar with the basics of Human Design, there are several lesser-known aspects of this system that can deepen our understanding and appreciation. In this article, we will explore ten little-known facts about Human Design that will expand your knowledge and intrigue you further.

Synthesis of Ancient Wisdom

Human Design is a synthesis of various ancient wisdom traditions, including astrology, the I Ching, the Kabbalah, and the chakra system. Its creator, Robert Allan Unger, integrated these systems to develop a comprehensive and multidimensional approach to understanding human nature and potential.

Unique Energetic Blueprint

At the core of Human Design lies the concept of a unique energetic blueprint. Each individual has a specific arrangement of energy centers, defined and undefined, which determines their energetic strengths, challenges, and strategies for living authentically.

Four Energy Types

Human Design categorizes individuals into four energy types: Manifestor, Generator, Manifesting Generator, and Projector. Each type has distinct characteristics, strategies, and roles within society. Understanding your energy type can provide valuable insights into your strengths and how you can best navigate the world.

Decision-Making Authorities

Human Design offers various decision-making authorities, which indicate how an individual should make choices aligned with their authentic self. These authorities include Emotional, Sacral, Splenic, Ego, Self-Projected, Mental, and Lunar. Discovering your decision-making authority can guide you in making decisions that are in harmony with your inner truth.

Centers and Channels

The Human Design body graph consists of nine energy centers and numerous connecting channels. Each center represents a specific aspect of human experience, such as emotions, communication, and identity. The channels indicate how energy flows between these centers, influencing our behavioral patterns and interactions with others.


Human Design profiles reveal essential aspects of an individual's personality and life path. Comprised of two numbers, a conscious and unconscious part, profiles provide insights into an individual's life purpose, strengths, and challenges. Understanding your profile can guide you in living authentically and fulfilling your unique destiny.

Defined and Undefined Centers

In Human Design, centers can be either defined (colored) or undefined (white). Defined centers represent consistent, stable aspects of an individual's character, while undefined centers indicate areas where individuals are sensitive to external influences and can amplify others' energy. Awareness of defined and undefined centers can foster better self-understanding and healthier interactions with others.

Incarnation Cross

The Incarnation Cross is a significant aspect of an individual's Human Design chart. It represents a unique life purpose and the lessons an individual is meant to learn in this lifetime. Understanding your Incarnation Cross can provide clarity and direction on your life's journey.

Variable and Fixed Attributes

Human Design acknowledges that certain aspects of an individual's design are fixed, while others are variable. Fixed attributes represent stable traits and characteristics, while variable attributes may change over time or in different circumstances. Recognizing the interplay between variable and fixed attributes helps individuals embrace their fluidity and adaptability.


Human Design encourages self-experimentation as a means of validating the information provided. Rather than accepting concepts blindly, individuals are encouraged to test and observe how the principles of Human Design resonate with their own experiences and interactions. This emphasis on personal experimentation allows individuals to develop a deeper understanding and ownership of their unique design.

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