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Get your custom-made I Am Worthy AF Guide Book, a custom made 40-page ebook, according to your unique Quantum Human Design walking you through core elements of your chart and how to live it out simply and impactfully in your day-to-day life.



-Your Energy Type: your highest expression, challenges, and questions to contemplate.

-Your Strategy + Authority: including a case study on what it looks like to use it in your day-to-day life for better outcomes). 

-Your Profile Lines & Centers: what each means and how you can start to heal your narrative around these characteristics.

-Unlocking You: a breakdown of your gates to better understand your core codes  to what your soul is here to learn, express, and master throughout this lifetime.

-The Great Re-Write: customized affirmations and journal prompts to re-write false belief-programs holding you in past patterns that are no longer serving you.



After ordering, please allow 3-5 business days for delivery of your customized e-book. To process your order we must have your birth day, time (am/pm), city, and state (or province). 


Your personalized ebook will be emailed to the address used to order.

Your Human Design (40-pg Customized Ebook Only)

  • 40-page customized e-book plus.

    E-book delivered in 3-5 business days to your email. 

    Please email if you have any questions or to request accommodations for disabilities. We strive to create a supportive learning environment for all. 

  • By purchasing workshops, program bundles, or 1:1 sessions, you agree to the following terms and conditions. 

    All prices are listed in U.S. Dollars and are subject to change without notice. All sales are final. No refunds permitted

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